
by SUCCESS Corporation


3.49 usd

Challenge from the Sudoku!nThe Sudoku of advanced users the highest degree of difficulty drew 1000 questions!

脳トレパズルゲーム「ナンバープレイス」がたっぷり1000問!しかも最高難易度の問題だけを収録しました通勤・通学などのすきま時間で楽しめるナンプレ! ■最高難易度■秀作問題■上級者向けの超脳トレこれだけで充実プレイが楽しめます!▼ナンプレとは▼タテ、ヨコ、3×3のブロックそれぞれに、1から9までの数字を重複しないように入れて、全てのマスを埋めていく数字パズルゲーム【ルール】①空いているマスに1~9のいずれかの数字を入れる②タテ、ヨコの各列に同じ数字を重複して入れてはいけない③太線で囲まれた3×3のブロック内にも同じ数字を重複して入れてはいけない▼便利な機能▼・セーブ機能・メモ機能・数字の重複入力をチェック・効果音・BGMのON/OFFBrain training puzzle game "Number Place" Gatappuri 1000 questions!Moreover, we recorded only the highest degree of difficulty of the problemSudoku enjoy gap time, such as commuting!■ highest degree of difficulty■ excellent work problem■ super-brain training for advanced usersThis alone enhance play you can enjoy!▼ the Sudoku ▼Vertical, horizontal, 3 in each block of × 3, put so as not to overlap the numbers from 1 to 9,Number puzzle game that will fill all of the trout【rule】① to vacant trout put any of the numbers from 1 to 9② vertical, do not put duplicate the same number in each column of the horizontalDo not put duplicate the same number also surrounded by 3 × 3 in the block with a thick line ③▼ useful functions ▼Save functionMemo function• Numbers check for duplicate input of· Sound effects · BGM of ON / OFF64bit対応